Comments (7)
Your crew should contact the ship manufacturer and tell them to make their spacecraft out of less flammable alloy next time. In all seriousness, I thought it was a lot of fun.
I haven't quite figured out the blue shields yet. It seems like they're important to defend against the enemy ships but I was so busy putting out fires and shooting enemy boarders I never really used them. At the hardest difficulty level it seemed more useful to just charge the engines and basically hope that they charged faster than everything else could fall apart.
Maybe that's kind of the point at the frantic harder level. Everything is going to hell around you and you're just hoping to keep it together long enough to escape. Anyway, great concept and I thought it was a really fun little game!
This was a great time! Loved every single panic-inducing second of it!
I must admit I made things easier on myself when I realised that the big red button blows the enemy ship up... way to go on me for being slow on the uptake.
Anyways, fantastic game, keep up the awesome work =)
To be completely honest, I friggin loved this game! Haha, the name just made it funny cuz I could imagine this new engineer freaking out over everything just screaming ITS FINE. Anyways, in all seriousness, great game, controls with the red blue and green chargers were a little off but not hugely, the rest of the game was just pure fun though. Great Job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQY50wi1Grg
I really enjoyed playing this game! Lots of action!
I also made a video on my youtube channel on it :)
This Is Fine
Do you want everything to be on FIRE! Then you should play ThisIsFine, a game where everything is always going wrong! Take the place of a space engineer in the heat of battle trying to keep things running long enough to escape.