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Game Soundtrack

3 songs

These Nights at Jax Justun's 5: Over 3.5: Jeniffer Heiste For Brand New Plans


Message Typed: 12/25/2022 10:37 PM

Don't worry folks!!! This game (based from the main line of the TNaJJ's games) will take place in the middle of both of the 2 parts of the 11th instalment of the FNaJJ's series!!!

Links from the TNaJJ's game will be founded here!!! Down Below

1st Game:

2nd Game:

3rd Game (AKA: The 2nd half of the 2nd Game):

4th Game:

5th Game:

And why do you mean by "takes place in the middle of both parts of the 11th FNAJJ's game"? Well, because I want to make the story a bit more interesting!!! And don't worry (AGAIN), the 11th game ain't going anywhere!!! This 5th instalment from the TNaJJ's game timeline will be like a DLC for the 11th instalment of the FNaJJ's franchise!!!

GOD!! I am getting tired of saying the same words OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

Anyways, once again, "These Nights at Jax Justun's 5: Over 3.5: Jeniffer Heiste For Brand New Plans" will take place the RIGHT AFTER the events from "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Zeatley's Havengence For A Living" and right BEFORE the events of the 2nd part of the 11th FNAJJ'S game called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Party Two: MaNeattley's Havengence For The Last Time?" The links of the two for this 11th game will be right down below for eyes to look at!!!

1st Part of The 11th Game:

2nd Part of The 11th Game:

Oh and by the way, YES!!! Those are the names of those games!!

Anyways, "These Nights at Jax Justun's 5: Over 3.5: Jeniffer Heiste For Brand New Plans", (Yeah! That's a literal mouth-full), will take place after the events of the 1st part of FNaJJ's 11!!! It follows a young 23 year old man named "Jorgge W. "Willson" B. "Brawunch" Blutto", (Nicknamed: Willson Brawunch) with his 22 year old girlfriend/wife named "Kerristrall W. B. Blutto (Nicknamed: Just "Kurri"), wanted to have a job as night guards!!

He then notice that our main characters, (which you mostly seen their names already in the other FNaJJ's games), are sadly having a vacation right after the CHAOS that they were handling during not only from the past FNaJJ's games, but also the 1st part of the 11th FNaJJ's game!! All of them, BUT ONE!!!

Which one of them is being hired as a phone guy and a helper to guide both of "Willson Brawunch" and "Kurri" to their journies suriving each night one by one. Adn when, Jax Justun and his 3 best friends are on their vacation, both Willson and Kurri might need more help. But as long as nothing will make things worst, things will be better right?

Well, there you have it!! I hope this works well enough for you? Anyways, be safe EVERYONE!!!!





Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

A new TNAJJ's Game is finally here!!
