Top-Dank Shooter
Would you like to feel like a cool soldier who arrived on the island to fight with the same soldiers as you? Well .... Then go play the pubg or fortnite, but if the computer is shit, then ... Welcome! simple Top-Down Shooter game in which you have to take up arms and MAKE MEAT FROM ENEMIES! In fact, this nefig game is not cruel, but ... She, WE HAVE GUNS! Just ... JUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME, OK? I JUST MADE THIS GAME SO LIKE MY TEAM WITH WHICH I CREATED A BloodBath Bitard I DIDN'T MAKE IT, AND I STARTED TO DEAL WITH THE GAME DEVELOPMENT, I WAS SPENDING ALL THIS SUMMER ON IT, AND BECAUSE FIND IT SUCH ANYTHING! I Krivoruk, OK?!?! JUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME AND GO PLAY! Damn it! #shooter #other #pubg #fortnite #topdown #tds #survive #1vsAll #HungerGames #JUST_DOWNLOAD_THE_GAME