
Comments (2)

What do you think?

@Mr_Nate What kind of game will this be? What'll the gameplay be like?

Once in a distant land there was a place of endless peace where the birds would sing and the sun would shine down upon the people. This place never heard of drought, famine, war, pestilence the people called it a utopia. All continued on the normal path until one day someone became ill with something that had never been seen before. They called it the sickness, The sickness was nearly undetectable under normal circumstances but during the night it all changed. People infected gained this fierce look and were filled with blood lust. Their eyes turned red and gained inhumane strength and rampage causing havoc across the nation. #horror #rpg

Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Hello everyone a small update, I will be posting more about the characters soon just working on their designs.

Hello everyone so right now im working on chapter 1 for the game. Im going to be releasing a demo for the game when chapter 2 is finished so be look out for that. More updates soon

There will be more updates about the game soon so make sure to check up on it!! Also as there are going to be more updates make sure to give me your feed back.