Comments (3)
Interesting concept, it have the potential to be very entertaining. A few thing to fix: the white guide line is a little inaccurate and the ball feels a little slow. Other than that good game.
TransOrb is a 2D ball throwing game where you transport a sacred orb from person to person through various obstacles.
Join Trello to add your feedback and Ideas: https://trello.com/invite/b/uDOwnAYh/140750d795b59254c58aebe684a25135/transorb
I hope you'll enjoy! Please comment with your feedback or write me on Twitter and if you like #TransOrb, follow the me and the game for future updates.
All feedback recieved will be used to improve the game. In the future I will add:
Music and sound effects
More levels and features
Bug fixes on any bugs discovered