
Comments (7)

What do you think?

This an asset miner for scratch games. It does it's job effectively. That being said, if you do not have a scratch game to test this on, I'd recommend the "pizzalover" catalog, but avoid any duplicable bendy pngs.

this is insane, useful asf for modding

How do I download extensions? Literally nothing shows up.

me impressed but me respectfully no likey


TurboMiner is an application that allows users to look through the files and assets of any Scratch, Turbowarp, and Penguinmod project, packaged or not.

TurboMiner also allows users to:

  • Download any asset (Image, Sound, Font) stored within a project

  • Replace assets

  • Download any extension a project may have that isn't available within the Turbowarp or Penguinmod extension galleries



Version 2.0.0 Patch Notes:


TurboMiner Devlog 2/11/2024:

TurboMiner Devlog 2/9/2024:

Glad you guys are liking TurboMiner so far. Here are some features and updates planned for the future:

Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes: