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Strolling through the fall fields, you stumble upon an old abandoned park, Rusty Park. As you continue walking, you hear something in the bushes. Suddenly, you end up INSIDE the park building. Introducing a cartoon-style horror game based on survival and puzzles. Discover your strategy, the motion sensor or flashlight. Can you escape before HE hunts you down.

Good Luck. #survival #strategy #other #horror #puzzle

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Turn Back is on Scratch now, so you can go check it out there, but I recommend Game Jolts version because it has 60 fps rather than 30

Hey Horror Fans,

Update 1.5 is almost ready to come out, we just have a few more stuff to do. Also, the update will be a separate file to download.

And, teasers will be up next week!

-Horror Productions

Here are some leaked pictures for Alpha 1.5

Also an update log for 1.5 below


Every please follow my game Turn Back!

Hi, Horror Fans!

Just letting you know that Turn Back is posted for free on Game Jolt and Itch.Io. So everyone make sure to follow it for more updates.


Turn Back, The Horror Game is a survival game that is now on Itch.Io And Game Jolt. Here is the link to the game if you want to download it for free today!


Turn Back is finally done and posted on game jolt!