Comments (38)

Finished. Ow my back.
10/10 best game, best game, best game ever
I feel like you should extend Rapper Dapper's rap a bit longer when he kills you.

Now this is epic
cant wait
Nightshift at Mini Dapper's
Ultimate Dapper Night
Dapper's Escape The Cake!: REMASTERED
Escape The Cake! (2018)
Five Nights at Dapper's: Custom Night
Five Nights at Dapper's: Gamer Location
Take a trip down memory lane and explore a collection of many games created during the "Dapper" era with The Dapper Archives!
In this collection, you will find several games created by me, comprised of FNAF fangames, along with some original works. In addition, the assets, source codes and screenshots can be found for respective games, along with Extras, which gives a deep dive into development screenshots, unused content and more! Most importantly, after 2 years of trolling and gatekeeping, the unfinished version of a remastered and refined version of Nightshift at Mini Dapper's, what would have been my final fangame, is now available to the public!
Games included in the archive:
- Nightshift at Mini Dapper's
- Ultimate Dapper Night (Demo & Never-Before Seen Version of Anniversary Update Included)
- Dapper's Escape The Cake!: REMASTERED
- Escape The Cake! (2018)
- Five Nights at Dapper's: Custom Night
- Five Nights at Dapper's: Gamer Location
- ...And More!
This page serves as a cap on the "Dapper" era of my games, as I put more time into more original and professional projects that I'll (admittedly) be more proud of in the long run. More to come.