Всем привет! Я Djart(джарт)! Здесь будут публиковаться новости и демо игры! А ещё у нас есть группа вк! вступайте! https://vk.com/lightbluegame

Game about the blue soul of Emily's patience. Because of the wicked stepmother, Emily climbed Mount Ebott to admire the view and relax ... but suddenly the wind blew and Emily's bow fell straight into the mountain and Emily wanted to descend gently through the vines, but suddenly the vine broke off and Emily fell into the mountain. with it will be farther ...?
Planned features:
New sprites!
New soundtrack!
New characters!
New plot elements!
More easter eggs!
New final bosses for each route (Pacifist, Neutral, Genocide)
Member | Job
Djart | Leader, programmer and spriter
Taimon | Programmer
#undertale #Patience #adventure #Prequel #Emily #Cyan #Blue #Light_Blue #other #fangame