
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Love the destructive nature of the game :) Nice design

Now there is an "Atlantis" inspiration :P

Great game, would develop again.

Seems to have promise, but there's a slight bug. Can't pick up weapon drops from defeated enemies. It says "A" to pick up drops, but A is already mapped to the WASD movement keys, and there doesn't seem to be a screen to customize input in the game yet.


Under Stranger Stars

Version: 0.3.0about 6 years ago
Kickstater Demo RC 1

Under Stranger Stars is a hybrid RPG / arcade shooter set in a beautiful and bemusing synthwave inspired universe.


The Universe is a silly place. Lets explore it.

As the captain of a spaceship you will fight pirates, smuggle exotic goods and raid mega freighters. You will explore a large, open world universe filled with unique locations and varied enemies which will challenge your combat skills. As you explore you'll uncover amusing stories and characters, like Admiral Nelson - a feared commander who, due to an unfortunate cloning accident, is currently 6 years old - or Mr. Boston, your mostly helpful copilot, confidant and toaster.


Fight terrifying Dreadnoughts.

Across the galaxy you will find Freighters, Dreadnoughts and legendary ships. These large ships can be damaged piece by piece - destroy engines, shield generators, weapon turrets and communication arrays. This damage realistically affects the ships abilities, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.


Upgrade your ship!

Exploring the universe gives access to a number of different weapons including laser beams, boltguns, missile launchers and independent drones. Different enemies are vulnerable to different attacks - a high intensity laser might be effective against large capital ships, but is unlikely to help against a swarm of devouring robots.

Each ship can store a large number of different weapons at once, and change between them on the fly. These different weapons also use different types of ammo, which encourages experimentation and keeps the game fresh. Picking one gun and relying on it is unlikely to result in success.

Uncover mysteries and stories.

Discover mysteries, crimes and all manner of debauchery at the spaceports scattered across the galactic frontier. Each spaceport has its own stories to discover, leading you in new directions and pushing you further into the conflicts wracking the edge of space.

#arcade #scifi #rpg #synthwave #space #storydriven #text #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

We're aware of a bug where the game may crash when the Pirodrome spawns, and are working on a fix.
There also appears to be a bug with the mouse not working correctly while a controller is attached. If this occurs, unplug the controller & restart.

Hello everyone! We're releasing on Kickstarter tomorrow at 9:00 AM NZT, which is very exciting for us all. It's been a long journey and we're delighted to finally share ( or subject you to ) Under Stranger Stars with you all.
