Comments (11)
what jojo characters are there going to be? same goes for naruto and one piece
how do i download
When i use my controller only one button works, same thing with keyboard
Ultimate Universal Cross Tournament Legendary Edition (DLC Edition) + DLC Patch
Ultimate Universal Cross Tournament Patch Two
Ultimate Universal Cross Tournament Patch One
Ultimate Universal Cross Tournament is a Fan Made Mugen Anime Crossover Fighting Game! There's so many anime characters that you love are here to join the battle to survive the insane universal tournament created by Hazama/Terumi/Susanoo from Blazblue and Gill from Street Fighter
Download The Game on MediaFire : http://www.mediafire.com/file/3bh8wyo7tiaf12w/Ultimate_Universal_Cross_Tournament.zip/file
The Month That I Started Working : January
Two Players
Controllers Compatible : Dualshock 3 (PS3 Controller), Dualshock 4 (PS4 Controller), Dualsense (PS5 Controller), Xbox 360 Controller, Xbox One Controller, Xbox Series Controller and Arcade Stick
Tag Team System Feature Included
Team Turns (Team Elimination Battle) Feature Included
System Requirements : Any Nvidia Graphics Cards or Any AMD Graphics Cards
The Space Size : 9GB
#fangame #fighting #multiplayer #anime #mugen #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper #DBZ #DBS #Naruto #NarutoShippuden #OnePiece #OP #Bleach #FairyTail #ACertainMagicalIndex #AccelWorld #AkameGaKill #AkatsukiBlitzkampf #ArcanaHeart #AttackOnTitian #AOT #BlackBullet #BlackClover #Blazblue #Darkstalkers #DemonSlayer #DevilMayCry #DMC #Durarara #Fate #FinalFantasy #FF #FullmetalAlchemist #Gintama #GuiltyGear #GurrenLagann #HunterXHunter #JojosBizzareAdventure #KingOfFighters #KOF #MagiTheLabyrinthOfMagic #MeltyBlood #MyHeroAcademia #NierAutomata #Noragami #OnePunchMan #OPM #Oreimo #Persona #Pokemon #Reborn #RivalSchools #RWBY #SamuraiShodown #SenranKagura #SevenDeadlySins #ShakuganNoShana #StreetFighter #SF #StrikeTheBlood #SwordArtOnline #SAO #Tekken #TheDevilIsAPartTimer #TheGardenOfSinners #TheIrregularAtMagicHighSchool #TokyoGhoul #Toradora #UnderNightInBirth #UNIB #ValkyriaChronicles #VanguardPrincess #Vocaloid #YuGiOh