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This Is Our First Christian Game!

It's also our first 3D FMV (Full Motion Video) game!

A titular parody of the Final Fantasy franchise, this is actually a completely playably nonviolent, musical zombie "shooter" that aims to be the official 3D retcon of the "BIG SEAN" series, completely avoiding any mention whatsoever of "She Who Must Not Be Named"!

The mansion from the BIG SEAN games has been 3D printed into an actual, fully habitable, real world house! But something is amiss; it's crawling with zombies! And this time, 3D ones that actually look undead!

This new breed of zombie can shape shift into whoever it senses through its unseeing eye sockets! It can also verse its potential prey in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Tornado Tag Team Match styled, turn based RPG (role playing game) like singing (playable) versus brain eating (non playable) battles to the death (and immediate automatic resurrection for even more torture).

In "Ultimate Unreality™", you, as former "BIG SEAN" series developer JadeJohnson, assist Christian pop star Hollison Marie Melissa Miller-Wilson (Hollyn), by going through her new, pre furnished house, and using the singing talents of hers that rubbed off on you at a personal concert she performed just for you and your family, to melt away the zombies once and for all, and make Hollyn's home hers aGain!

This is going to be a very unique video game, in that, unlike the "BIG SEAN" titles, "Ultimate Unreality™" shall not contain any blood, or even player causable violence for that matter! It shall be a Christian game all throughout, in that there are no standalone sinful actions that you can commit in the game, and it'll have a Godly premise that shall remind players that any good thing is possible when its execution is channeled through the love and glorification of God!

Planned Release Date: To Be Determined...


"Where did this game's theme-song come from?", you may ask?

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We've updated the normal-battle theme, so that it now makes full, proper use of SNES-style-reverb on the original NES!


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Thank you, @ShootingStarzycat, for following "Ultimate Unreality"! How did you discover us, and what inspired you to follow this title of ours?

We Rediscovered A Different Soundfont That Should Make This Game's Future Musical Score's Entries Sound A Whole Lot Better! We Can't Wait To Put It To The Test!

Remember Those Exclusive Music Deals With Our Record Label's Subsidiaries, Which We Mentioned In A Previous Post? Well They're Complete Now! But What Do They Enable, You May Inquire?