
Comments (18)

What do you think?

please crate 32 bit version

Well, I think you should tell everyone: When we installed the game, When we install the game, the game that opens is not the main body but the setup. At this time, after pressing the first button below, pressing Gozat will install the game files in the folder we selected. After selecting, press tama.

You can also upload a zip file to replace the setup software.

I say this because I am afraid that some people will not know what to do.

this sounds interesting

is that game a virus my anti virus open when i try to open that folder

is it online multiplayer or local?

I am presenting this to you in undertale, which is a 2 character game in the form of 2 multiplayer Undertale Games 1.while the player is in frisk 2.the player can choose kris or more different skins and can choose the color of the sou #other #fangame #undertale #multiplayer

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Hello everyone after a long time, our Undertale Together is Original. and there are no viruses. I personally tested it on most devices and noticed that it still works. it probably doesn't work on mobile devices and 32-Bit.

Installation video of the game:

UndertaleTogether Full Kurulum (Download Link)
The link to the game belongs to me, and the game works without any questions, there are no viruses, the setup program can be played from a computer that I cr...

2.For the player, there are spirits in blue, yellow, pink, green and cyan colors, and there are also 5 skins as skin 2.Player controls: A-W-S-D Left shift

If you encounter a problem with the game please let me know and I will do my best to fix it.

Turkhis: Oyunu indirirken windows Virüs olarak algılamaktadır sebebi ise dosyamızın az indirilmesi eğer dosyamız 5000 den fazla indirilip görülürse böyle bir hata almıyacağız...