Comments (8)
Fecha de estreno: 2022
release date 2022
Do you think it is worth playing it?
Tu Crees Que Vale La Pena Jugarlo?
dejaron de proseguir con el mod, o siguen con el proceso? realmente se ve que este mod tiene potencial
how to make your voice sound like sans:
step 1 : say dunked 5 times
step 2 : say skeleton 2 times
step 3 : say lazybones 9 times
step 4 : hold your breath until you post this on another undertale game
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Comienzo =) By Elalvaro
- 2.Anticipacion By Elalvaro
- 3.Nevada By Toby Fox
- 4.Ruinas By Elalvaro (Menos tono)
- 5.Fantasma Batalla By Elalvaro
- 6.Casa Guitarra By Elalvaro
- 7.Papiro Guardia Real By Elalvaro
- 8.Huesos bajos By Toby fox (nombre echo por elalvaro no tiene nombre)
- 9.HuesosTrousle Papiro By Elalvaro
- 10.Cascada By Elalvaro
- 11.Corre!!!! By Elalvaro
- 12.Dummy?
- 13.Lisa Simpson? By ¿?????¿?¿
- 14.Otro medio By Elalvaro
- 15.Hotel By Elalvaro
- 16.Nucleo By Elalvaro
- 17.Undertale The Last Route
- 18.Megalovania Official Undertale The Last Route By ??¿?¿?¿?¿
- 19.Creditos By Elalvaro

#undertalethelastroute #fangame #rpg #puzzle

Este Juego Es Un Mundo Alterno De Undertale
Tiene Un Solo Final Valdra La Pena Jugarlo?
Info del juego (Español)
Bueno la informacion del juego, es que antes de jugarlo se recomendaria que jueges al undertale original, no reclames al juego o digas que es una copia es un fan game
Disfruta El Juego
Historia: Como el juego tiene una historia , es una beta no tiene historia al principio pero la version final agregaremos una historia verdadera
Actualizaciones: Probable que tenga errores podriamos mejorar sprites o cosas, despues veremos
VERSION FINAL: No sabemos la fecha exacta, creo que la version final saldra en un tiempito no años podria tomar un tiempo no sabemos cuanto
Quien es el creador: Toby fox es el creador del juego original undertale, te lo puedes encontrar en steam
Como se nos ocurrio: danel, kodigovicio, bbblz, spring como carlos santana, nicolas silva
Tienen sus roles: Roles de cada uno
Danel: Se encarga de la historia, y cosas que me olvide porque soy medio tonto aveces, y tambien efectos de sonidos y sprites (efectos de sonido no hizo todavia ni sprites pero le di esos roles)
kodigovicio: el artista principal, se encarga de sprites y dar ideas el creo el nombre del juego y bueno gracias kodi por participar santana: el hizo el logo del juego felicitaciones
nicolas silva: no tiene roles nunca habla en este servidor
bbblz: el opinador, este no sabe crear juegos pero el opina y puede dar ideas
QUIERES AYUDARNOS, dale like a la pagina y di algo positivo nos ayuda, somos desarrolladores de latinoamerica, eso nos ayudaria a motivarnos ya seguir con el juego

This Game Is An Alternate World Of Undertale. Is It Worth One End To Play It?
Game info (English)
Well the game information is that before playing it it would be recommended that you play the original undertale, do not claim the game or say that it is a copy is a fan game
Enjoy The Game
History: How the game has a history , It is a beta it has no history at the beginning but the final version we will add a true history
Updates: Probably when it has errors we could improve sprites or things, later we will see Version 1.0.3 Cannot show data
FINAL VERSION: We do not know the exact date, I think the version Final will come out in a little while no years it could take a while we don't know how long
Who is the creator: Toby fox is the creator of the original game undertale, you can find him on steam
How we came up with: danel, kodigovicio, bbblz, spring like carlos santana , nicolas silva They have their roles: Roles of each one
Danel: He is in charge of the story, and things that I forget because I'm kind of stupid sometimes, and also sound effects and sprites (sound effects Nido did not make sprites yet but I gave him those roles)
kodigovicio: the main artist, is in charge of sprites and give ideas he created the name of the game and well thanks kodi for participating
santana: he made the logo of the game congratulations
nicolas silva: he doesn't have roles never speaks on this
bbblz server: the opinioner, he does not know how to create games but he gives his opinion and can give ideas
YOU WANT TO HELP US, like the page and say something positive it helps us, we are developers from Latin America, that would help us motivate ourselves and continue with the game