Comments (63)

also can you add my character? @Pop-lol made the sprites.

one last chance

harry background real
wait what does degnupxe sound like
Game Soundtrack
vs. dave and bambi fanmod #fnf

listen to funny green guy pls
Dismember crashes halfway through Banufi's part.Boyfriend's voice is super quiet. This problem might never be fixed unless we find another BF soundfont.Having only 1 music composer and artist
GameBanana: https://gamebanana.com/wips/66265
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/mm-ost-863536451
@alivingbeing - director, music composer, artist
@Bandu-from-applecore - concept artist, music coverer or something
@pop-lol - concept artist
- concept artist
@bambi_Minion - concept artist
@thatonetrader - art i think, concept artist
Ipmbi (@alivingbeing)
ConeguyIDK (@alivingbeing)
Banufi ([REDACTED]
Yxjyf (@alivingbeing)
degnupxE (@Bandu-from-applecore)
Tamler (@alivingbeing)
Bambi (@MoldyGH ) (he's obviously not working on the mod btw)
Marcello (@MoldyGH I THINK)
Boshak ([REDACTED]
Popbi (@Pop-lol )
Pave (@Pop-lol )
spooky guy (@Bambi_Minion )