Comments (8)
you need help with attacks?
Why is my menu still there
it's horrible!!!
Can i beta tester?
what is this about
Can you leave a beta download please?
Game Soundtrack
ValenTale Ā©
By TeamTalesā¢ļø

@TTales01|| Owner of the Game
@Astatine || Assets
|| Game Code
@yeh_underman_yeh , @SANSAUMAKER1 and @Scar-2100|| Scratch Version
@Corrun || Beta Tester
@KrisMakingUT|| In-Battle Sprites
@chill_guy and @CooperBlack
|| Other Sprites
@azreal_dreemar || Dialogs
@igorsantusa, @The_Dank_Memer and @Theeviltoenail| Music

Story: Years have passed since a neutral run, the human never returned and the monsters must wait till a human arrives again. thankfully, a new human named Valentine fell into mt. ebott. he is the monster's new hope.
Original Undertale By Toby Fox
Menu Available: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/499075738/
Tags: #fangame #rpg #action #retro #adventure #undertale
Q: where is the demo?
A: I Don't know, but this is a full overworld, so probably next year
Q: is the team finished?
A: actually yes, we just need a beta tester and there
More Questions Soon!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Simulated Gambling