Comments (16)
how to make password
this is just stolen content from cube world!
fun game, can't wait to see it's full potential.
lmao this is the biggest ripoff of cube world
Hello, Veloren developer here: The version on this page is frequently out of date. Find the latest version on our website, https://www.veloren.net.
Nightly: Windows Build
Nightly: Linux Build
Veloren is an open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG. The game is in an early stage of development, but is playable.
Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. Veloren takes inspiration from games such as Cube World, Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress.
Veloren is fully open-source, licensed under GPL 3. It uses original graphics, musics and other assets created by its volunteer community. Being contributor-driven, its development community and user community is one and the same: developers, players, artists and musicians come together to develop the game.
Veloren is developed by a community of volunteers that have one unifying aim: creating a bright, colourful, fun world that can be explored and interacted with in unique and interesting ways.
Below, you can find community information.
The Veloren community (both developers and players) is most active on the Veloren Discord server. You can join the server using the link below:
The Veloren website contains weekly blog updates, developer information and download links. You can find it at www.veloren.net
The website also hosts a developer manual (you're probably reading it now!) at book.veloren.net
Veloren has its own subreddit. You can find it at reddit.com/r/veloren
Veloren has a Twitter page at twitter.com/velorenproject.
Veloren has a wiki site. It is accessible at wiki.veloren.net
Note: I am not the project lead I am simply a worker bee of the community :)
#action #adventure #multiplayer #rpg