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Friday Night Funkin V. Expert WinOS

Version: 0.0.9almost 4 years ago

Friday Night Funkin V. Expert LinuxOS

Version: 0.0.9almost 4 years ago

Friday Night Funkin V. Expert macOS

Version: 0.0.9almost 4 years ago

Friday Night Funkin V. Expert Source Code (Fixed)

Version: 0.1.7almost 4 years ago

You tried to kiss your girlfriend but her damn dad interrupted now you have to rap since he was a old Rockstar supposedly . but you go the hard route and go SICKO MODE (be prepared for alot of rage)

Only Tutorial through week 5 are done

Patched: patch 1 Winter HorrorLand problems (installed kade engine and put that version on there). Patch 2 made the game a title screen that fits and better versions for the difficulty. Patch 3 Week 3 was remade. Patch 4 Week 4 is finished, Patch 5 made Milf actually possible.

Also Don't forget Credit to KadeDev for kade engine, Credit to FNF Nmodding plus team, Credit to Ninjamuffin99, Phantom Arcade, evilsk8r, and Kawai Sprite for making this possible. 

and make sure to support the kickstarter

#fangame #mod #FNF #FridayNightFunkin

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Everyone Sadly I lost the assets on my pc \ while moving to a new house. It got corrupted. So this is gonna take a lil longer then expected

just as noob mode came I realized I had a problem so I had to remove all difficulties besides V. Expert

Here is what to expect for v0.1.8 BF Car and BF christmas re-skin. Also if I do make the better version of this mod it will most likely re-use the bf assets from this mod.

0.1.7: Added noob mode difficulty. (currently not finished. Also all noob mode is, is the original normal mode versions of the game lmao)

Ima make the rules diff so If this game hits 120 downloads the good version of my mod is gonna come out