
Comments (1)

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Your name is william when you were a kid you loved to watch mr bean and when mr bean play house openend you beged your dad to take you take the,when your dad finaly caved in you were so happy but 2 weeks it closed down.And here you are now outside of your favorite place when you were a kid.When you enter you think to you self its a little bit to dark ill come back tomorow you walk back to the door its stuck you think oh no.You remeber the mr bean and teddy robot that entertaned you and many other kids.You hear a sound that sounds like metal clanking on the floor you run off and hide in the playground you look around its the mr bean robot the teddy robot doesn't seem to be active you look at teddy at the very moment teddy activates.You sneek into the office you must survive for five nights on the last night another robot will activate #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Tobacco Use

This game has officialy been cancled

as i could not be bothered completing it

Production on this game has been cancled for the time being so dont expect much from this game for a couple months ha maybe even a year
