
Comments (2)

What do you think?

its cancelled :C? ah fuck

Be prepared for 31st October 2017

Not all scars heal with time... Come and join us...

We are making a slow return

We'll play a game... you will soon join us... our pain shall be sealed in your soul...

Your time is running out...

So basically I'll be working on Project: Hell until Halloween (October 31st), I'm adding things such as:

  • New abilities

  • Weapons

  • Characters

  • Music

  • Progress videos which can be found on my channel

  • Character codes

  • More Areas

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Back to work

Ok, I am finally going to start updating again, I have been very busy this past week. But I am back and ready to roll. But, this next update will be a small bug update and I’ll see you… next time. Bye!

No update 2

Ok so… we have no update again, I have been really busy (as shown by no devlogs) I’ll get back to developing again, soon. I’ll see you… next time. Bye!


Yes… IT’S HERE You can now download WMS as a .zip file!!! I got enough space on my laptop to zip the file. YAY! I’ll see you… next time. BAI!

Still sick


It’s here. Dat’s all I gotta say. BOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll see you… next time. BAI!

Here it comes~

1.4.1 Is up

Version 1.4.1 and 1.4.1-Mac are up for Where Memories Sleep. Make sure to download them, the new menu and battles are AWESOME!


It turns out I did ALOT more than I said I did (manly around the Elemental Slimes) Hope you guys enjoy and I’ll see you… next time. Bye!

Next Update

No update

Sorry to say, but today there wont be another update,I am just too tired, I have edited the game a bit, but not enough to call an official update. I woke up at 11 AM today, I was up to 5 AM last night. Sorry. I’ll see you… next time. Bye!