
Comments (28)

What do you think?

Phase 3 my take

finally a dustswap game that's not dusttrust

Idk why each phase is abt smoke lmao-

erm... what the sigma

how to make your voice sound like sans:
step 1 : say dunked 5 times
step 2 : say skeleton 2 times
step 3 : say lazybones 9 times
step 4 : hold your breath until you post this on another undertale game



And welcome to Dustswap: The Absolute End!

- This game contains huge amounts of flashing images, we don't recommend you to play this if you have epilepsy!

- Also, if you don't know Undertale, Undertale: Last Breath, Dusttale: Last Genocide, Dusttrust, Disbelief or Revenge The Unseen Ending is, we recommend you to check them out.


|| Owner ||


|| Main Attacks & Idea givers ||




|| Writers ||


|| Spriters ||


|| Artists ||


|| Musicians ||


|| Coders ||



|| Retired ||






Long ago, two races ruled the Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races and the monsters were sealed in the underground with a magic spell, the barrier.

The only way to break the barrier was using the power of 7 human souls.

All of the humans that fell, one by one, were captured.

But the eight human was different, they were more determined…

And using their power, the human did the unimaginable.

They eradicated monsterkind…

Hundreds of times.

But with every Reset that the human made, Papyrus had Dejá Vu of the past resets.

Blinded by the Dejá Vu he began to lost his mind.

He started to harvest EXP and LV to overpower the human power and stop the monsters torment.

But with all the EXP and LV he gained, he failed.

And he was cursed to repeat the same thing over and over again.


Until... something changed...


If you want to see some update in the fangame before we post it here, Join our Discord Server!


- Toby "Radiation" Fox & Temmie Chang: Creator of Undertale

- Zerjox: Creator of Undertale: Last Breath

- Experiment121: Creator of DUSTTALE: LAST GENOCIDE

- EvanStreblow: Creator of the Dusttale Fangame

- Sawsk and Dusttrust team: Creator of Dusttrust

- Samuel Waolfang and Pootstablook: Owners of the OG and Reboot Revenge T.U.E

Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Reference

Just to avoid confusion, because I have seen a lot of people confusing Dustswap The Last Dawn and Dustswap The Absolute End.

So I will clarify things and explain the differences. (also because in here I don't have space to write it all.

We actually made Progress.

Sprites by - Da Feelings (Me), noahthetomato, and 4 Dimensional Toast

Music by hant147

Coding made by - BigFOM

Dustswap: The Absolute End Phase 1 Progress (Official)
This is the Absolute end of all time.Dustswap: The Absolute End owned by Da FeelingsSprites by Da Feelings, noahthetomato, and 4 Dimensional ToastMusic by ha...

Hello Everyone!
It's been a while I have made an announcement in here.

Well I just want to give a lil update to the thing that we have been doing.

So if you are interested read this article!

Hello! I just what to say that we are looking for help, so I made a Team application. If you are interested in joining the DSTAE Team, fill the Application. We are looking for:

- Spriters

- Artists

- Musicians

- Writters

Hello everyone!

I just want to say that we realeased a new Track in the Official Dustswap: The Absolute End Soundcloud account.

This is the Menu theme named Uneasy Waters made by Epic.

We hope you like it!