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One Week at Mario's 4 characters and what they're based off of: Part 2.
Mutant Fred Sinatra is based off of an image made by Viant-T.
Mutant Glaze is based off of Boulder Toy Bonnie from FNAF AR.
100 followers?! hell yea bro

One Week at Mario's 4 characters and what they're based off of.
(Characters and their design origin are above)
Wario is based on a ringmaster(as stated in the game), and has no eyebrows, which was based on Super Sayain 3.
The Piggies are based off of the Pigs from Angry Birds. No shit, I know.
Squidy is based off of a Squid from Minecraft, as stated in the game.
Crash is based off of his design from Crash 4 and his biker outfit from Crash 3, as stated in the game.
15' Mario is based off of
15' Mario is based off of the outfit Mario wears in Western Land in Mario Party 2, and Flying Mario from Super Mario Galaxy. Party Mario from Wario's Circus also shares this design.
The B.O.A.(Box Of Abominations) is based off of the animatronic of the same name from Dormitabis.
On to the first mode of Nostalgia Mode: Building Mode!
Scrapped Fred Sinatra is based off of Benny, one of the Brothers Bear from Donkey Kong Country 3.
Scrapped Luna is based off of the blue Kitten from Bowser's Fury.
Next up is Wario's Circus! (Sorry if I didn't do Mutant Mode after Building Mode, I forgot to put it in order lol)
Circus Waluigi is based off of The Joker. No shit, I know.
Casino Squidy is based off of a Glow Squid from Minecraft.
Circus Crash is based off of the Clown outfit that Crash can wear in Crash 4.
The Lefty Mario Prototype is based off of Elephant Mario from Super Mario Wonder(Go play it if you havent.)
And finally, on to Mutant Mode, the second half of Nostalgia Mode(Again, I'm sorry for misplacing Wario's Circus and Mutant Mode in the wrong order; not like it matters.)
Mutant Knuckles is based off of Disembodied from Five Nights at Treasure Island, and a few other features to stand out from it's base design.
Mutant Spring Mario is based off of Victim #1 from the creepypasta: MARIO.
Mutant Spring Sonic is based off of a fanart of Sonic made by TRC-Tooniversity.
I'll meet a quick Part 2 because I made a mistake in putting the characters and their design origin.
So the game's out everyone, also the Mario 5 page is released.
One Week at Mario's 4 Update 2.5 (non profit)
One Week at Mario's 4: Wario's Circus (non-profit)
Luigi decided to not work with mario this time, due to the events of the factory being burned down, Mario teams up with Wario and Waluigi on rebuilding their lost business, Wario's Circus, Waluigi volunteers as night guard due to no budget as of yet, so you're guarding the old attraction with it's old ran down animatronics #fangame #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf