Comments (7)
hey there!!!! started playing the game on video, very fun!!! reminded me a lot of the classic old jrpgs like phantasy star or dragon quest, loving it so far. here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKNevXQ8Vc4
Wart is very cute
Wart The Wizard
Welcome to the realm of Brightmoore! It's a home for the hopeful and a venue for the vile!
As Wart The Wizard, you must traverse unknown lands, defeat enemies and level up, craft items, find spells, and more if you're going to defeat the dark wizard, Gravemoss!
If you're a fan of retro Sierra games such as King's Quest or JRPG's like Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Suikoden, and enjoy the humor of games like Discworld, then you're sure to love Wart The Wizard!
Based on the comic book "Wart The Wizard" by Mandy Summers and Peter Gilmore published by Stuntman Comics!