Comments (28)
Will Have Story Mode?
Testing The New Map "Base" Gameplay
Actually, EPIC
Testing The New Map Gameplay
Wave Shock - 1.11.0 update
Wave Shock - 1.7.0 Multiplayer Update (Unused/Canceled)
I was never upload this version, but now I'm going to upload, I just will say it's very buggy.
Wave Shock Is a fangame of the game Case 2 Animatronics Survival.
- Case Animatronics belongs to : WALNUT (OOO VALNAT)
Move - WASD
Shoot - LMB
Zoom - RMB
Reload - R
Pause - ESC/P
Flashlite - F
Abilitys - 1,2,3
Interact - E
You are the last survivor in Aurora Park, “VISE Private Military Company" has YOU as target they want You dead! They keep Produce Animatronics Again, Again AND Again, They won't give up! Survive the Last Waves of Animatronics, Alone!
How long can You Survive?
#Survival #Shooter #action #horror #arcade #caseanimatronics
the Beta of Wave Shock 2 is now avalible.
Have fun playing. :D