
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Hey, your game sounds awesome! I’d recommend doing the following to turn it into a bigger success on Game Jolt!

1. Post about your game, news and updates in as many communities as it makes sense! Communities like Game Dev or Arts n Crafts will get your posts in front of thousands of users! Find more communities here:
2. Write a bio on your profile. A complete profile always looks more legitimate in the eyes of the community. This is a great place to add in your website or other social channels.
3. Post and update your followers frequently to stay on their radar! 

4. If possible, translate the game's description to English so you can attract more followers. :)

Good game! beautifull graphics but the game is very short and has no tutorial, the game has potential, continue and you are gonna go far ;)


Worlds Of Nico

Version: 0.2.0about 3 years ago


Nico is a child from an intercontinental marriage between a Brazilian guy and a Finnish woman. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. This relationship is over, and now Nico's worlds are apart.

In Nico's dreams, he dreams of travelling from Brazil to Finland just like magic!

Through his imagination, Nico wears a cape and fights monsters and mythological creatures from Brazil and Finland, bringing both worlds together and fighting for the right to keep dreaming.

*Game developed during 1 week at Good Game Brazil Jam 2021



Nico é uma criança fruto de um casamento intercontinental, entre um brasileiro e uma finlandesa. Infelizmente, tudo o que é bom dura pouco. Esse relacionamento teve fim, e agora os mundos de Nico estão separados.

Nos sonhos de Nico, ele sonha em passar do Brasil à Finlândia em um passe de mágica!

Através da sua imaginação, Nico veste uma capa e luta contra monstros e criaturas mitológicas do Brasil e da Finlândia, unindo os dois mundos e lutando pelo direito de continuar sonhando.

*Jogo desenvolvido durante 1 semana na Good Game Brazil Jam 2021



Walk: A W S D or 🡠 🡡 🡣 🡢

Attack: Space bar

Drop weapon: R

Travel through the portal: F

Solve puzzle: Q and E

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