Comments (6)
Hey, I'm interested in how you made/got your music. I've been trying to make music for my games for a while, but I'm never happy with how it turns out...
Very nice game! Just something bothering me though: The controls feel a bit awkward. 'Z' and 'X' are sort of fine, because some people grew up with 'Z' as the jump key and the 'X' as the fire key, and some people grew up with those swapped. What bothered me most was the crouch key, 'C'. It's beside the two other keys, which as someone who grew up with 'Z' as the jump key, just confuses my reflexes even more. I never made it to the second stage because of it. If all the 'C' key does is crouch (I'm not even sure if it does something other than that), why can't the D-Pad's Down Key just be the crouch key, for it to be more intuitive? Also I don't know how to exit the game without having to kill myself until it sends me to the menu screen. It's got good graphics, good music that mixes well with the graphics, but the gameplay could've been better if it had better controls. I was able to play a decent amount of levels, but I probably spent the entire game without even using the crouch key, so I probably did worse than the game expects me to.
It's a good game and I enjoyed it; it just has some awkward controls.
how can i close the game?
After a long time , I finally made a game. An arcade style platformer-shooter game.
You have armor but if it breaks , DONT LET YOUR SPIRIT DIE!!
In each floor you are granted a new weapon and many,many enemies.
INCLUDES : Fast color changes and flashing , Little use of blood , bright really bright.
made for #ludumdare #ladjam46 #platformer #shooter #arcade
Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed