
The Adventure Begins...
Complete the intro stage

Shoping for the goods
Visit Annie's shop for the first time

Our first mission...is completed!
Get the 1st Crystal

The great battle against the 2 teams!
Win the battle against the Genji Force

I'll do the last attack!
Use the ultimate move for the first time

Fighting inside the dark side!
Win the battle against Team Dark

We Getting pumped up, Kakashi!
Train at Kakashi's gym 4 times in a row

Mazeing Time attack challange 1
Get trough the twisted maze in 25 seconds or less

Mazeing Time attack challange 2
Get through the foggy maze in 45 seconds or less

Okay everyone, let's finish this!
Use FusionMax for the first time

The story ends for now...
Finish the adventure

Greatest Treasure Hunter
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The leader of the team is unstopable!!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.