Slendytubbies 2 Enhanced V1.0
Version: 0.1.07 months ago
S2 Enhanced V1.01
Version: 0.1.17 months ago
Slendytubbies: Ohio Edition
Version: 0.1.03 months ago
Yes, you saw the title correctly.
Release Dates:
Ohio Edition: Tomorrow (I cba to build it now)
S2:Enhanced January (The update is all Map-Based and stuff)
Btw s2 Enhanced and ST3:OHIO EDITION is releasing this month :P
Ohio Edition being released today or Boxing Day (Not releasing it on Christmas)
S2 Enhanced being released some point this month I'm not 100% sure when.

Please contact a Certified Engineer.
S2: Enhanced is getting a bit of a rework.
Title Reveal on August 31st.

Changed Server Selection to UI bc why not?
I'm trying to get as much of 1.01 done as possible before I go inactive on friday.

Updated Main Menu
Also Online will be fixed in this update.
It was broken bc when u press back it wouldnt show the Main Menu UI but its fixed now.
This doesnt mean V1.01 is gonna release today.
Slendytubbies 2 Re-Imagined V1.0 is out!
Special thanks to @BlueTubi for helping me fix the building issue :D
V1.0 should release for ST2 Re-Imagined if Unity actually builds the game.