
Comments (2)

What do you think?

A fun adrenaline inducing horror game, very similar to the original Yandere Limit but with a different perspective, literally.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • I really liked the inclusion of Kataro and his anime in the storyline as it really settles it's in the same universe, and it's also a great reference.

  • I wish the game differed a bit more than the original Yandere Limit, but it's still great! :)

  • I liked the change in perspective, from 2D to 3D.

  • The ending "chase" gave me a heart attack.

Overall, amazing game!

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Yandere Limit Sleep Over

Version: 0.4.0over 2 years ago
full version.

Can you survive a sleepovers in a yandere's house?

A girl named Suki has moved into a refurbished apartment, only to later encounter strange happenings during the night.  


3D models/Suki and Yui/  Skytric

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#horror #survival #yandere #limit #3D

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Hey all, the full version of Yandere Limit Sleepover is live. Though not as long as the first title, due to life hitting me like a truck, I think you guys will get enjoyment out of what's been added. Thank you all for support with the series!


A look at night 2, more importantly, how to maneuver around it. Gotta keep those lights on. #horror #yanderelimit #sleepover