Comments (6)
I have some strange problems with the game, My character keeps getting stuck in many areas and all the animals animating seem to 'hiccup' constantly during their animations. Sections of gates and doors disappear into the player as well.
You Are Ephemeral
A beautiful planet.
A marooned craft.
Someone is reaching out.
You Are Ephemeral is a (currently) linear narrative open world adventure game.
The completed title will have far more open world intrigue and the potential for branching storylines.
There will be more flying. And shooty things.
And I'd quite like to ride that horse.
#Boost_A_Game #openworldGJJ #firstpersongames #needanybetatesters #gamejoltcrew #riseupjam #VeriGames
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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