Comments (2)
okay but this dude from last picture, looks like Wilson from Don't Starve
Not bad at all. Definitely needs some work but it's cute. I like the animation on the bird, I wish there were more to it.
Chaincards: A Poppo Story
5 years prior the events of Chaincards, your master, Ego, is giving you a very important task: let a Poppo puppy grow, but be careful, the Poppos are out of control murders.
Let your Poppo grow and try to control it to avoid him to destroy the city.
CPU: AMD A8-6410@2GHz
GPU: AMD Radoen R5 Graphics
OS: Windows 7
HDD: 400MB
CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 @ 3.20GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GDDR5
OS: Windows 10
HDD: 400MB
Producer: Federico Giorgi
Director: Federico Giorgi
Game Design: Federico Giorgi
Story Writing: Federico Giorgi, Bakemono Mori
Art Direction: Federico Giorgi
Character Design: Bakemono Mori
2D Artist: Bakemono Mori
3D Models: DreamForestTree(Asset Store), Freddy Drabble (Sketchfab), Low Poly Medieval Buildings (Asset Store)
Textues: CC0 Textures
Level Design: Federico Giorgi
UI Design: Federico Giorgi, Bakemono Mori
Programmer: Federico Giorgi
Sound Direction: Federico Giorgi
Woods OST: The Cave Resides Deep in the Forest by Artificial.Music https://soundcloud.com/artificial-music Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Music promoted by Audio Library
Cave OST: "Uniq - Art Of Silence" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/er--pnwFDgU
Shop OST: Music provided by No Copyright Music:
Music used: Ghost by Tim Beek
timbeek.comLicensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed