Comments (9)
the music and visual feedback stuff and style was pretty awesome
Great game, music are AWESOME!
Lovely graphics! I included it in part 34 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/LEbsxIzPqio

This game looks pretty interseting.
Loving the graphics, and the gameplay. The adorable eyes on the blocks help too. :D Terrific game.
A Puzzle Game Made of Clay
Pretty simple puzzle game created for #indiesvsgamers
Vote for it in the jam here: http://jams.gamejolt.io/indiesvsgamers/games/a-puzzle-game-made-of-clay/80858
Left and right arrow keys to move block, up to rotate block, down to drop block one line, space to place block immediately.
The red bar indicates when the next line is going to appear at the bottom. If a block is pushed up all the way into the red zone, game over.