
To hit the top of the leaderboard you have to do flips and play risky!

  1. # 1
    15945 Points
    Hopeful Games @HopefulGames
    over 10 years ago
  2. # 3
    10394 Points
    Arekizu @Arekizu
    almost 10 years ago
  3. # 5
    6831 Points
    PeanutButterDev @plotmaster
    almost 10 years ago
  4. # 7
    5237 Points
    James M.Bidace @Afterworldstudios
    over 10 years ago
  5. # 9
    2764 Points
    tom170401 @tom170401
    over 10 years ago
  6. # 11
    688 Points
    lapladav @lapladav
    over 10 years ago
  7. # 13
    614 Points
    TheGreatThibal @TheGreatThibal
    almost 10 years ago
  8. # 15
    613 Points
    stefziv @stefziv
    about 10 years ago
  9. # 17
    8 Points
    Rainbowkat @Rainbowkat
    over 10 years ago
  1. # 2
    14879 Points
    Red. @victor1882
    almost 10 years ago
  2. # 4
    10331 Points
    thehood @thehood
    over 10 years ago
  3. # 6
    6565 Points
    FellowPlayer @FellowPlayer
    almost 10 years ago
  4. # 8
    4568 Points
    Guest ( guest )
    about 10 years ago
  5. # 10
    1582 Points
    NoticeMehSenpai @NoticeMehSenpai
    over 10 years ago
  6. # 12
    660 Points
    leon1 @leon1
    over 10 years ago
  7. # 14
    613 Points
    antoinegoujon39 @antoinegoujon39
    over 10 years ago
  8. # 16
    564 Points
    GAMELego @GAMELego
    over 10 years ago
  9. # 18
    5 Points
    loicteixeira @loicteixeira
    over 10 years ago