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Amazing Game! Im Thinking About Making a Lets Play!

by @CamaRod and @MaroonFox .

DISCLAIMER: The original game (Abandoned Fazbear) is made by @MaroonFox . I'm focusing completely on the gameplay to make it most enjoyable to play as possible.

Removed features:

  1. Removed the Vanny 3/20 mode ending.

  2. Removed Sparky as an animatronic.

  3. Removed RedBear's Minigame.

  4. Removed 'Abandoned Fazbear 2' characters and code.

  5. Removed RedBear's jumpscare code.

  6. Removed 'They Followed me Home' gameplay and code.

  7. Removed the ability to turn on/off the fan while on the Maintenance panel (and you'll understand why later).

  8. Removed Cam 6 (Sparky's camera).

Added features:

  1. I've implemented a different view of the power usage as well as the power left and the clock on the maintenance panel.

  2. New 'Erase Progress' function on the menu and the option to cancel the progress reset if you want to.

  3. Added Custom Night and Night 6 as codes that you can put in on the 'Insert Code' function on the menu.

  4. Added a green highlight to the camera that you are watching.

  5. Added the ability to mute the call while the call is going on.

  6. Added Ventilation errors on Nights 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Custom Night).

  7. Added the possibility to turn on or off the Ventilation errors for Night 7.

  8. Remade the phone calls.

  9. Made slight visual changes to make the game a bit more realistic such as:

    1. Camera monitor is different (and better).

    2. Maintenance panel now occupies the whole screen.

    3. Instead of passing the mouse through the 'Codes' button to see the codes, now you can just hold it to see them and release it to hide them.

    4. The 'New Game' newspaper now fits the whole screen.

    5. RedBear is now behind the office desk.

    6. Freddy peeking at the door has no arms raised anymore.

    7. Freddy's jumpscare was remade and it looks better.

    8. Glitchtrap's jumpscare was also remade and it looks better.

    9. Menu Freddy is closer to the camera and he twitches more drastically.

Bug fixing:

  1. Door spam glitch: basically, if you spammed the door, in sometime, it would count as if it was closed but it is instead just invisible.

  2. Maintenance 1-less-bar glitch: if you made some commands, you would get 1 bar less on your power usage, and if you made it many times, it could count that you were not draining power at all.

  3. Guaranteed-win glitch: if you turned on the fan, closed the door, opened the camera and while the camera was appearing, opened the maintenance panel, basically temperature and power wouldn't drop and you could check the cameras, system reboot and fix the ventilation at any moment.

  4. Newspaper bug: the 'New Game' newspaper appeared if you pressed 'Continue' if you were on Night 1 (which is not supposed to happen).

  5. The Night Intro sound effect bug: the Night Intro sound effect was playing only on Night 1.


  1. Balanced the ventilation errors timing.

  2. Balanced the ventilation fixing and system rebooting time.

  3. The fan only takes 1 usage bar.

  4. As compensation for the shortage of the fan's usage, the Maintenance Panel now takes 1 usage bar if opened, but if you system reboot or fix the ventilation, it takes an additional usage bar.

Special thanks:

@MaroonFox @JoshuaKanai @realscawthon #fnaf


For those who are wondering if 2/20 mode is possible on this game, yes it is, and I just beat it! It's a bit hard though because ventilation errors and the Glitchplush comes very often, but it is possible to beat it.