
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Beauitful game, though I couldnt play it well. I included it in part 41 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Yeah, it's really unplayable, I can't kill the monster. But jams, are like that, a learning experience, better luck next time!

Music and graphics are great, but I could never figure out how to kill the monster.

I don't know what to do to kill that monster >.>"

Quite an interesting experience, it appeared in my let's play:
Gameplay : Indie VS Gamers!


Abyssal Tower

Version: 0.3.0over 9 years ago


Abyssal Tower is a magic roguelike, in the game you experience the various floors of the Abyssal Tower and fight against the shadows
it is a hard and infinite game, based on "magic spells" and the elements
To alternate between keyboard and xbox controller just plug or unplug the controller during the gameplay.
Joystick recommended

We are sorry, the game is incomplete and broken, we do not calculate the time properly for jam, our sincere apologies.

  • Action | Keyboard | Xbox Controller

  • Movement | W, A, S, D | Left Stick

  • Aim Spell | Mouse | Left Stick

  • Change Spell | Mouse Scroll Wheel or Q/E | LB/RB

  • Cast Spell | Mouse Left Button | X

  • Jump | Space | A


Luuk - Prog
Twitter - @_mappache
E-Mail - [email protected]

Rey - Art
Twitter - @reylisten
E-Mail - [email protected]

Hoffmann - music
SoundCloud -
Twitter - @LHoffmannn
E-Mail - [email protected]


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

New post-jam version

All bugs has been fixed and some contents have been improved.
The game is full playable now!!