
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Cute game! I included it in a compilation video series of all of the games entered in the Rocket Bean TV Community Game Jam, if you’d like to take a look :)

is there a wolf?

Here's a little review for anyone interested in the game or the developer themself. I enjoyed this game. The Graphics are enough, pretty low texture and the model on the squirrel is a bit off and maybe a touch distracting, but it serves it's purpose and despite being a deformed freak the squirrel is still adorable. The sound is much like the graphics, minimalist and possibly could use something, but enough and still charming in it's own way. For gameplay this game is meh. I beat the game, only because it was a short sitting but honestly that doesn't mean I felt invested. Playing was an uphill battle with instances where the camera would spin a bit too fast and I'd get disorientated. This game is mostly a minimalist scavenger hunt, and despite being nothing special in all departments, there was also nothing horrible at all. Seeing as I made it through with a little grin feeling satisfied at the ending, I'd saying this game earned a nice 7/10. It holds up and is quite good for the size and time put in. Good job IDidGame!

Hey there, I was not aware of a new gamejam. Could you tell me what this RBC is about? Also I recorded the gameplay, the squirrel is just adorable, great game I liked how it was made. 5/5. Gameplay link is below:

YouTube: Fellowplayer


Acorns (post-jam)

Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago
I recommend the downloadable version for windows users. The Web version is still pretty choppy and just not as nice to look at.

Acorns (gamejam-version)

Version: 0.1.0almost 9 years ago
If you use windows i recommend to play the downloadable version. The WebGL version is subpar and only provided for non-windows users.

It's your favourite time of year.
You're huddled up in your shelter and have plenty of acorns to spend the coming months sleeping and eating.
Until one day....

Deine liebste Jahreszeit ist da und durch deine harte Arbeit in den letzten Monaten kannst du dich entspannt auf ein paar geruhsame Monate gefüllt mit essen und schlafen einstellen.
Doch eines Tages...



Made for #rbcgj

Unity, Blender, Bfxr

"soft wind noise in pine trees" by John Grzinich under CC BY-NC 3.0

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