Comments (1)
Hello GameJolt user!
We have been informed about your game's "teaser pictures" of using other creator's models for your own use. We have looked this over and have found a match for the models used in the Source Film Maker Workshop. Also in this report, we have been informed about the game' rating. The game's rating states that it is a "Teen" rated game, but for a rating to be officially Teen or over, you must have at least one gameplay trailer so Developers like me can review them and see if the game should really be rated Teen or not. And the last report was on "False Advertising". This report stated that you are showing graphics from Source Film Maker with almost the maxed graphical settings, but yet Game Maker Studio is a 2D-low graphical game.
If you could please email/message the model creator/s about using their models, and if they say yes, give them credit. If you could change your rating from Teen to a lower rating so we do not have to take your game down, or even possibly, take your account down. And finally, if you could, take the "teaser pictures" down and replace them with real pictures from the game, that would also be very much appreciated to make a better, more healthy community.
**If any of the following reports are not taken care of in the next 48 hours, your account will be terminated, including all of your games, comments, and favorites.
Thank you for your time, and we hope you can get to this soon!
The kid-friendly diner known as Fredbears Family Diner has been shut down due to a dead body found in the security office. People say the animatronics slaughtered him and killed him, The security guard known as James Fitzgerald was the guard. His brother, Jeremy, was on the phone with him the whole time, this is how he described his actions...
Its cold.... He feels chills up his spine as he checks the camera's... he stoped.... turned around..... and was never seen from again.....
William Afton
First of all…. I am going by the story which I think happened… AKA Purple guy IS Pink guy and That There are UN-WITHERED animatronics in Fredbears Family Diner. I read that the book is not cannon so no book-canon scenes… but maybe Easter eggs…… ;), anyway… There will be no cutscenes because I’m pretty sure you can’t add cinematics in Gamemaker: Studio… Anyway… the screenshots released are Pre-Alpha staged graphics and I am learning on how to Improve them…. See you later! Have a Happy New Year!
--Fredbear ... 60% Planned 0% Done--
--Springbonnie ... 20% Planned 0 % Done--
--Unwithered Freddy ... 100% Planned 0 %Done--
--Unwithered Bonnie ... 100% Planned 0 %Done--
--Unwithered Chica ... 100% Planned 0% Done--
--Unwithered Foxy ... 100% Planned 0% Done--
--Shadow Freddy ... 100 % Planned 0% Done--
--Shadow Bonnie ... 100% Planned 0% Done--
--Cameras ... 0% both--
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language