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Agrendallen Alpha 0.0.2
CURRENT BUILD BASICALLY HAS NOTHING! This is just a test build to make sure I could upload correctly so there is basically no story. There is one dungeon you start in and you can play through. Then once you get through you can explore the town and farm and talk to people! There is quest dialog with some characters already set up, but the actual quests arent. BUCKLE UP, NERDS!
Agrendallen is a medieval/fantasy RPG title. This is my very first game ever but I have an absolute crazy amount of content in store for this. I have been developing the story/quests for months and i'm finally starting to implement everything. Agrendallen is a turn-based combat style RPG. I'm quite new to the turn-based combat system although I've played plenty of real-time combat RPG's such as the Elder Scrolls and Fallout, but with this game I plan to get my feet wet in this genre. I've played bits and parts of Final Fantasy titles, but I never got into them as a kid. With this, I do not have any frames of reference to any other titles with similar mechanics (other than Pokemon because who hasn't played pokemon when they were young). So this will be a completely original and unique RPG. This game is still early in development and will be worked on vigorously even when a build is released. I am hoping in this coming week (last week of March, 2016) I can release the first build of the game so i can receive feedback and improve my game from the player's opinions. This game is created by the RPG Maker VX Ace engine. Although this engine comes with a lot of "pre-fab" design, I am using completely custom level and world design for this entire game so it can be a unique and fun RPG experience for the player! I'm extremely excited to develop Agrendallen and share it with the gaming community!
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans