
AI-KA is a 2D metroidvania-style plataformer where you must escape from a massive maze-like lab facility full of mechanical and biological creatures that will destroy you on sight. You have the ability to "pixelate" and dematerialize yourself into pixels, alowing you to fly with zero grabity and hack the enemy bots to control or paralize them. But beware, they can also hack you back.
Overall Game idea:
2D single player metroidvania with story that you can ignore
Colossally huge Maze-like lab facility tower (many sectors and maps)
Biomes/sectors (where different experiment creatures reside)
Gather player powerups to improve abilities
Mechanical bot enemies [BOT] [MECH]
Biological organism enemies [BIO]
Bio-Mech enemies (combination of Bio and bots) [BIOMECH] [BIOT]
Particle pixel enemies [PXL]
AI-KA (the character) can "pixelate", dematerializing herself into a "pixel cloud"
AI-KA can Hack [BOT] and [BIOMECH] enemies while "pixelated"
Dfferent Gun types to deal with certain enemies effectively
AI-KA can "attack" in her "pixelated" form (to hack BOTs faster