Comments (10)
hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 😀
Hey this is pretty fun, man! That monster's breathing is creepy as hell. Definitely spooked me haha. Thanks!
Alone in the house is a game where, well your alone in a house. Title gives it away so you know what the game is pretty much gonna be, btw there is gonna be spoilers
Gameplay: So in this game you start off in the dark with a flashlight, the flashlight seems alright it doesn't give a lot of light so you have to rely on looking at the ceiling lights to know where your going. But anyways you start off in the game and your character talks, sadly I only know english so I can't understand what the character is saying, but pretty much what you have to do is that you gotta turn on the breaker, which means turning on the lights. Although some of the lights in the house are on, so I don't really see the point, but yeah. If your having trouble finding the lights, just go upstairs and run around until you see the breaker. After you did that an event happens the monster appears, and its... Hilarious, ok im being to harsh sorry, but since this is a horror game obviously there is gonna be a monster in this game. But im gonna talking about the gameplay so I wont be saying what the monster does yet. But after the monster appears your character may or may not be panicking, I cant tell. But after the monster finally spawns your now told to find a gun, the gun is upstairs and you find it in a bedroom, after you find a gun, you then shoot the monster. You do have quite a bit of ammo, so its easy to pretty much counter it. But anyways after you shoot it, its not dead. Just imagine the gun as a stun lock, but anyways after you shoot the monster your then told to find a key, the key is downstairs somewhere, after you found the key you then have to go find a locked door the door is downstairs, dont worry you'll find it. But anyways after you find the key and then unlock the door, guess what...? The game ends, thats it. You open the door and escape, the game then ends and puts in you in the main menu...
Horror: The game isn't scary, sadly the game doesn't have a lot of tension or anything scary going on. If you wanna go and enhance your experience its recommended to wear headphones, but again the game doesn't get any more scarier while wearing headphones. There is no music in the game and well just... thats all I have to say
Monster: The monster in this game is hilarious, (im gonna be pretty harsh in this section but no hard feelings) when you first see the monster it looked pretty scary, but after getting close to it. You can see why the monster is hilarious, there's really not much to say in this section as the monster is easy to avoid, and it doesn't have good Ai, and plus after you get the gun the monster is just something thats getting in your way then instead of chasing you. And plus when its chasing you there's no sort of tension going on which is a really bad thing in a horror game.
1. The movement in this game is very weird, it feels like every time you walk. It feels like your walking on ice, and I find myself getting stuck on walls and such.
2. The monster does get stuck upstairs, when the monster first sees you, it will start going in Attack Mode, and sadly after out of sights from the monster, it sadly doesn't go away from Attack Mode, which means the monster can now see you through walls, but that doesn't mean anything cuz after your pretty far away from the monster, it will go upstairs near the locked door, and then just stay up there forever. The only way to stop it from doing this is to upstairs and let it stop, but yeah the monster does get stuck forever upstairs so thats bad.
3. There is a graphical error, whenever you go upstairs and near one of the stairs. There is a blue vase that is oddly slight invisible, this doesn't affect gameplay but that is an error in the game.
4. The gun is way way too overpowered, you need to lower down the amount of ammo you have, or make the monster take more hits to get stunned. Cause its honestly just overpowered
5. No settings, you can't change your mouse sens, so when you start the game, your mouse sensitivity may or may not be incredibly slow, if it is. Just change your mouse dpi, but the game needs settings in the main menu.
6. The game is to short, you can complete the game in 1 minute, not joking.
7. Minor stuttering and a lot of screen tearing
There is no bugs in the game, so that's good, you shouldnt be getting any crashes in the game.
2. It works, the game works. There's no crashes or any bugs so that's good, its a game and you call it a game. Its better than nothing
3. Monster sounds kinda creepy, best part in the game is the sounds the monster makes, its a little creepy by the breathing, even though you probably put the mic close to your mouth and just breathe normally, but it sounds a little creepy. Maybe add some creepy effects to the voice to make it more creepy.
Rating : 3.5 \ 10