Comments (5)
Very nice game! I included it in my BitBit Jam 3 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)
Feels really authentic! Great sprite work, reminds me of something like kung fu / Sparten X, or one of those mini games on Snk Vs Capcom. Would love some music in there!
Simple gameplay and straight-forward graphics. I wish the up arrow jumped. Emulator worked for me in FireFox
Nice game graphics. The gameplay is a bit simple but still fun
I probably have to mention that this game refused to run in the emulator built into the game jolt client, so I was forced to download the ROM file and run it through VisualBoyAdvance instead.
Once the technical issues were out of the way, I finally got to play what I feel is a slightly floaty version of One Finger Death Punch. Your avatar is rooted to the spot and must defend herself by reacting to oncoming enemies by facing them and mashing the attack button. Sometimes there is a shuriken thrown to keep you on your toes, but mostly it's repetitious with no visible curve in difficulty.
It doesn't help that there is a distinct lack of sound, including music and audio cues/feedback, (and visual feedback for that matter...) which makes me want to abandon the game much faster than I would otherwise.
But I will say, the fact that this even runs on (fake) Game Boy hardware is impressive. I just feel it could use more polish is all...
Akaru Hime: The Red Princess
Akaru Hime: The Red Princess (Source)
Game Boy game made during a week by Light Games for #BitBitJam3
Imanol Barriuso (Imanolea), Belinda Barriuso (Leia83), Sergio Presa (LocoMJ)
Left/Right - Look left/right
Down - Crouch
A - Jump
B - Stab
The Prophecy says that every thousand years Koga Ninja try to steal Hino's family jewel. The time has come. Akaru-hime, also known as The Red Princess, is willing to protect her family's treasure, even with her own blood...