
Score 50 points

More points
Score 100 points

Even more!
Score 200 points

Click the yellow button 10 times

I like lemons
Click the yellow button 20 times

Yellow is good
Click the yellow button 30 times

Score 100 points in total

Again and again
Score 200 points in total

Again and again and again
Score 300 points in total

Actually, bronze is better than yellow
Get all the bronze trophies

A bit harder now! :P
Score 450 points

600! Don't waste them now!
Score 600 points

Soon you'll get some gold
Score 750 points

Not "Click-Click" but "Yellow Clicker"
Click the yellow button 50 times

Yellow, yellow, yellow!
Click the yellow button 75 times

I don't like silver, I prefer YELLOW!!!!!!!
Click the yellow button 100 times

More grinding
Score 500 points in total

This trophy type is the worst one here, isn't it?
Score 800 points in total

I'm doing this just for the trophies...
Score 1300 points in total

The funniest trophy pack (Silver)
Get all the silver trophies

And that's where the long stuff starts
Score 1500 points

Yes, 500 points for a trophy!
Score 2250 points

Good luck with the platinum ones >:3
Score 3000 points

Don't lose your points while trying to get this!
Click the yellow button 150 times

Click the yellow button 200 times (This achievement is unnamed, make a good title for it and I'll add you to the intro screen!)

Noooo yellow don't leave...
Click the yellow button 250 times

Grinding is back
Score 2500 points in total

You'll have to click a lot to 100% this game, hah
Score 3700 points in total

Almost 5K!
Score 4900 points in total

Get all the "yellow" trophies

Score 5000 points

Score 7000 points

Score 9000 points

The yellow trophies left :(
Click the yellow button 325 times

I need more yellow
Click the yellow button 400 times

Absolute yellow
Click the yellow button 500 times

Super grinder
Score 7000 points in total

Super duper grinder
Score 10000 points in total

MAXIMUM grinder
Score 13500 points in total

Get all trophies in this game!