Comments (33)
Well that was certainly a reminder of the past with an interesting ending added to it, in 3D it can only be better. 5/5.
YouTube: Fellowplayer
Other than little glitches here and there, this game was amazing! So, so classic. Slightly disturbing, but that’s what I’ve been into lately xD
i..... am okey with playing this
Finally got around to playing this! I remember the 2D edition and I have to say you've transmogrified this into 3D pretty darn well. There's a few weird glitches (like the penguins shooting off backwards now and again), but they add to the charm more than anything else.
The Littlest Penguin has entered a new realm of oddness, and it's great! Keep up the awesome work, always enjoy your stuff =)
really cool game pretty crazy to lol really like the narrator voice and how he tells the story cant wait for more!!
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The Littlest Penguin (3D)
the Unity application of "The Littlest Penguin 3D"
Web Browser Version
This version will play online, no download required
Follow the adventures of the littlest penguin, a children's story narrated by a psychotic author.
This is my first 3D Unity project. It is 100% free to play, but if you're able to donate I'd appreciate it. If you like the work I do, you can also support here on my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/user?u=4296259
NOTE: This game relies HEAVILY on sound, so boost that bass, plug in those headphones, whatever! Just know if you can't hear this one, you are missing out on a BIG part of the experience! Have Fun!
#adventure #action #other
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans