
Comments (89)

What do you think?

Beautifull, it is a bit depressive but I really loved it. It's very painful to see how time goes by so fast and how life begins and ends in a flash, that makes me notice that I am not getting the maximum of life and gives me the will to do something about it. Thank you ♥

Really that was deep :/

Is there a download link to a higher quality version of the music?

This is the most philosophical game I've ever seen. I only played for ten minutes, but I realized the whole life. Thank you for letting me cherish the present time.


And everything started to fall

Version: 1.0.0about 15 years ago

A game about life and it's unavoidable end , death and the things that could happen in between . A story told trough images . A pretentious attempt at making art trough play mechanics . Start as a baby and grow all the way into the grave gaining and loosing abilities as time passes you by .

Music by Heatex ( )

Download for high quality music and if you get a graphical glitch .

The game has 3 different versions because of graphical glitches on some machines :
Surface version : May not work properly on Vista and Windows 7 machines .
View Port version : May cause seams on the graphics on some monitors .
GM's native screen scaling version : Should work on all machines but will look blurry on fullscreen mode and will look to small on window mode .


Life is a vertical platformer

That’s what Kotaku said :…