
First death
Death is unpleasant, isn't it?

Don't move under the icicle.

Just fall on the spikes...

Without leg
Step on a mantrap...

Red valley
I like to throw grenades under myself!

I shudder even from my own shadow...

I can't fly
Let's jump in the abyss!

No signal
Be lost in the static...

Bad jump
You can't use your radio well, and you fall down the first pit.

You can die at least 10 times.

Boost the boots
Find your first equipment.

Rope for the robe
Find the rope.

Broken voice
Pick up the radio.

Find your first and only gun.

Armed to the teeth
Find grenades.

I can slip out of the blue
Even "elementary" is so hard for you.

High voice
Power of your voice is high enough to activate highly placed radio station.

This has become systematic
Don't fear! Die more than 25 times!

I am like my shadow...
You are ready even for an endless waiting...

Stupid life!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Beautiful days
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The lost past
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The dead end
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Tree of life
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Holy forest
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

I like death!
You are familiar with death and can die even 50 times!

No one escaped my fears!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Hardcore player
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

I love despite anything!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

You are so weak for "hardcore", but you can do same on "elementary". Try to beat the game on "elementary" from first to fifth chapter without damage and getting extra health.