
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Interesting game I really like the graphics. I included it in part 14 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to check it out :)

Owww. He dies too quickly! One single touch from any monster and he's dead, and you have to start all over again (or ragequit). It gets frustrating really quickly. Any chance you could add a simple life stat? Maybe a life meter? Or even just make him walk more slowly so you don't just run into the enemies without a chance to react?


Andy Blast Vs The Forces of Evil

Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

Created for #LowRezJam

Using a maximum visual scope of 32x32 pixels gamedevs were challenged to make a game with low rez graphics. I chose to mimic a classic side-scrolling monster shooter: "Dangerous Dave and the Haunted Mansion". Though with less features, no score, no extra lives, and only one level I feel I captured the spirit of the original game as well as the Jam itself.


Menu: N for New, H for How, C for Credits, Esc to return to Main

WASD to Move

Space to Jump and Climb

L-CTRL to Shoot

E to Open Final Door (there are two doors, one is a fake)


Driving down an old dirt road Andy Blast is set upon by zombies. After crashing his truck and hiking through the nearby woods he comes across an old mansion. Finding the door locked and with the undead hot on his heals he climbs to the roof and finds an opened window. Inside he discovers an old shotgun and a lot of trouble as The Forces of Evil converge on his position.

The only way out is through.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

V1.0 Released!