Comments (3)
I ended up dropping this, i simply got tried of pointless battles dragging this out longer than it needed to be. i care more about characters and stories than battles.
not having something which makes this less tedious ruined the experience for me.
as well as the glitches that involves some of the tools and water locations.
while the story and characters were not very interesting. it was compelling enough to continue if it was easier to experience that part of the experience.
it has some nice ideas, but i don't recommend this. i needed more polish and quality of life improvements.
**random thoughts**
should have included a text file with all controls.
it would have been nice if the game mentioned how to use new attacks you learn.
didn't figure it out for a while (press up or down when in attack mode)
escape should always work on non boss enemies. it is very annoying when it fails.
how do you gain mastery of skills? it is always at 0.
there is no free bed to rest in despite having a princess as an ally?
not at the castle or even your own home?
it's possible to get stuck in places (with the jump skill)
east town quest with locked door. the door looks open. how can it be locked?
you need to get more than 1 SP per enemy. jensens weapons take too many points to master.
A major glitch when crossing the bridge. there was a spot that warped me to the temple at the start of the game!
it happens in the area north of the red squid guarding the box with hand grenades.
kaylas max life is higher on the main menu and in battle than it is in them item menu.
it seems the rope tool stopped working at some point. when i tried heading back to the castle after checking out all the areas after the bridge (before going south of ????)
it did not work.
could push a stone and get stuck unable to do anything. this happened in the cave with sand waterfalls.
the chest that gives you the ice tool. sound does not exist error.
this started happening at a few points from now on.
sometimes it does not save
This is a fun game, but there is one thing that really causes me problems. 'Quit on [ESC]'. Most of the games I play have [ESC] for the main menu! I keep losing lots of progress. D:
Interesting art style and cool music. Good work.
Game Soundtrack
Ragnus, a thief living in the desert country of Ariashia, arrives at the Waterfall Tower, the tallest and most tightly guarded building in the town of Arvik. One would think he's after treasure, but it doesn't seem to be the case... nor does it seem to be the first time Ragnus sneaks into the castle. What sort of secret could lie at the top floor of the Tower? And how does it relate to the Ensert War, a massive battle that occurred fourteen years ago and ended abruptly in a huge flash of light, killing thousands of people on both sides?
ANIM. is a 2D turn-based RPG mostly inspired by classics from the 32-bit generation, such as Wild ARMs, Grandia and Breath of Fire. Features over 30 areas, all connected by a large-scale, fully explorable world map, for over 15 hours of gameplay! Explore the land of Trevarie and find out the truth about Ensert, the red-eyed invaders from Scalace and Treva, the goddess whose eyes are always watching you from the sky!