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Animalisto is a game for early year children, its purpose is to develop manual dexterity and teach the basic moves of the mouse using animal diversity and entertainment.
Recommended for 2 years and older
The 10 mini-games offer 3 levels/steps of difficulty/order with specific actions
STEP 1 (2 years and up)
The characters and objects are activated by positioning the cursor over them,
Step 2(2 years and up)
Characters and objects react when the Child left-click on them
Step 3(2 years and up)
Drag and Drop
This level combines the actions of previous levels and includes other basic movement but more complex at this level will find characters and objects that can be moved to make left click and hold to bring them to the right place ..
MiniGames Details
Step 1 Games
The Farm and Safari:
Listen to the sounds of animals by positioning the cursor over them.
Time to Eat!:
Position the pointer on the animal you want to feed
Step 2 Games:
The animals hide and merge with nature, Can you find them?, 3 landscape to look, simply by clicking to highlight them.
Unfortunately many of the natural areas are contaminated, Clean the river and the rest of the landscape, click on the trash to collect.
The pond:
Meet the animals in the pond, explodes with a click bubbles to release these animals,
Step 3 Games:
Meet the animals of the garden, a laborious bee plays and interacts with other insects, Mom or Dad can use the Colibri with the arrow keys or WASD letters beetle
Ice Cubes:
Visit the Penguin igloo, learn about basic geometric shapes and play with them.
Chick Grows :
Plays an egg in search of his brothers and mother hen chicks.
platform-style game. Includes numbers and levels of primary colors
The Bug:
He plays a beetle that digs into the sand for its larvae babies, this game is used with the four arrow keys, function is to stimulate spatial concepts like up, down, left and right.