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Hey! Do may I have permission on Streaming the game? I'm trying to help small game devs to show their creations! If you allow me I'll be great!
Ankehotep's Prison
(Downloadable game plays a little better than the HTML version, your mileage may vary)
For a 1000 years, the great pharaoh Ankehotep has been imprisoned in his tomb.
Today, he awakens from his slumber. However, his prison is as tricky as the shifting sands of the desert... and there is the matter of his missing legs.
Should you be defeated, you will awaken on the same level, but it may no longer look familiar.
Rise Ankehotep, reclaim your canopic jars from the sons of Horus and crawl your way out of the pits of eternity!
This game was made in a week for the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2021 and the goal was to create an old-school, first person, grid-based, turn-based dungeon exploration game.
Ankehotep's Prison is a maze that moves in three dimension, and every time you play, a new labyrinth will be generated. There is no game saving because there was not enough time to implement it, but if you die, you restart in the same level -- though it will look different!
The game can be played with the keyboard or a gamepad, which works really nice!
As Ankehotep, you can not just move around the dungeon but you can crawl on the walls and ceiling and drop on unsuspecting enemies.
Keyboard Controls
Move and Strafe: WASD or Keypad 8456
Rotate Left and Right: Q and E or Keypad 79
Action: Space or Keypad 0
Place Ankh: Shift
Let go and reorient to ground: Enter or Keypad Enter
Wait: T
Xbox Controller Controls
Move and Strafe: Left Stick
Rotate Left and Right: Right Stick
Action: A button
Place Ankh: X button
Let go and reorient to ground: Y button
Wait: Left bumper
#adventure #action #maze #roguelike #puzzle #dungeoncrawl #lowpoly #firstperson