Comments (8)
yo if u like i could help with music. i have made music for 7y if u would like me to send stuf i made hit me up on discord NoFace Music#5681
i love gettin cozy
big sexo
wow hot and sexy
Game Soundtrack
The mod is in WIP
By the way, this gamejolt page is almost all made by @Koolamm, so check him out!
Meet W and do a rap battle cause FNF logic

@ElWormi : Creator and Director, Designer, Musician, Coder, voice of W, Cutscene editor
@Koolamm : Co-Creator, Coder, Musician, Artist, Helped LevY Keil with the cutscenes
thePikaBear : AMAZING Artist and Animator
https://www.instagram.com/the.pikabear https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqCEjpn6Hzj-ycnB8ymmMvw
LevY Keil : Animated the cutscenes like a boss

Wisrhood : Dubbed the "haha, yeah" in Laggy
@bbpanzu : He helped us so much, Twitter dms go brrrrr
devin503 : Same, GameBanana dms go brrrrrrrrr
Dvster : Helped us on the english dialogues cause mulakk and wormi are french mmm oui oui baguette
@MAT_DoesStuff : Made art that got scrapped but still you in the credits bro💪💪